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Health > Keeping Fit


Ayurveda - Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care......

yoga - Access instant energy through yoga ....

Meditation - Meditation is an intensely personal and spiritual experience ....

Fitness And Good Looks - Get straight out of the pool, wait for 30 seconds then measure your pulse rate for 15 seconds. Continue to do this each day and if you see the pulse rate declining, then you know you are getting fitter.

Exercise In Bathing Suit - Kneel on flat surface or in front of platform (height makes this move easier). Place hands shoulder-width apart.

Eating Boiled Vegetables - Eating boiled vegetables is one good way of filling your stomach with a lot of fiber so that you don’t get hunger pangs. This helps you to reduce your food intake and hence calories.

Physical Fitness - Physical Fitness The Lower Body Today all age groups are much more concerned with physical fitness then ever before, but do ensure if you embark on a fitness program that you choose one to suit your age and capability.

Relaxation - We can all benefit from having some form of relaxation in our daily lives. Getting rid of the mental and physical tensions that build up unconsciously during a busy day is an essential part of keeping fit.

Weightlifting For Women - Weight lifting is a good way to get it off, You don't have to go out and buy weights, This is a good weight to start.

Morning Exercise - Early exercise should be done gracefully like a slow motion ballerina. We don’t want to shock the system before it’s fully awake.

Walking is a matter of habit-Its Pleasure and Benefits - Those who have discovered its pleasure and its benefits to body and mind, have become addicts. To them, missing a walk means wasting the day.

Your Lunch Time - There are at least five hours of each working week that could be put to better use. Rather than munching your lunch away or burying your head in a book, get motivated.

Your Night Time - After a day of work, play and/or study you just want to hit the sack. But exercises can relax you. Sit on the bed and do the following.

Get A Stronger - As we age, a lifetime of bad posture and too much sitting catches up eight us, weakening some muscles while causing others to tighten.

The Lower Body - Everybody has “problems areas “ which need work. Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up.

Lose Weight By Walking - In overweight individuals, a little control over calories along with regular walking works wonders.

Posture - Our upright stance and the sedentary nature of so many modern occupations have contributed to many of our internal and back problems. Good posture is absolutely essential in helping to maintain health and fitness

Health Farms - A health farm will not completely transform you within a week, but the rest, controlled exercise and dieting could make you feel much more fit and help you lose weight.

To Lose Weight Drink Water - Obesity is major problem of this century. There is one valuable fluid available absolutely free of charge - water. Water can be used to reduce weight

Try This Wonderful Exercise -Those who are already heart patients and suffer from anginal chest pain should not climb stairs without medical advice.

Walk Your Own Way To A Better Health - We do not ask you to lift heavy weights or sweat it out on jogging tracks but to perform simple rhythmic movement of your legs just for one hour every morning in the fresh air

Stretch Yourself And Turn out Thinner, Fitter Faster - Easy moves to fine-tune your posture, your proportions, your coordination and your fitness.

Zest - An eager relish to get the most from life, a lively will to tackle its problems - zest is an aspect of personality that fluctuates with our health and state of mind.

Healthy eating - Think of food as fuel for your body. You need to put in the right sorts of fuel...

Drinking sensibly - If you are thinking of drinking alcohol you need to be aware of what effects it can have on you so you are able to stay safe whilst you are out enjoying yourself...

Ideas of fun things to do - There are lots of opportunities for you to take up an interest or hobby that will get you out of the house, develop you skills and give you the chance to do something positive....

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