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Health > Keeping Fit > Walking Habit


Those who have discovered its pleasure and its benefits to body and mind, have become addicts. To them, missing a walk means wasting the day.

And there are people who cannot get up early because of their lifestyle and late night habits. They do not know what they are missing. It needs great determination to get up early in the morning. But if you make an efforts for a few days, nature will help you.

For a few days if you get up early at a particular time, the body will set its biological clock automatically. Once you are awake you won’t be able to sleep, even if you want to.

Another advantage of weight reduction by walking is that it does not cause sagging of the skin because it tones up your muscles. It adds youth to four looks , in contrast to weight reduction by dieting which makes you look older.

Finally, while dieting you have to keep yourself hungry to reduce weight. But you can take the liberty of eating more if you are walking regularly and burning off the calories. That’s the fun of eating more and yet shedding weight.

Make your walks more interesting by meeting some of your friends at the walking site. Add other incentives, according to your convenience.


Since walking is a very mild exercise, if you get breathless very quickly or any muscular weakness or chest pain occur, consult your doctor immediately. Persons with known angina or any other heart disease should take advise from a specialist before undertaking a regular walking programme.

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