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Health > Food And Diet

Special Foods For Better Health - Nutritionists believe that food is a natural pharmacy and that the answer to a lot of our health problems lies in what we eat.

Milk - Whether it comes from the mother’s breast or from a bottle containing the modern manufactured mixture, milk is nature’s perfect food for babies.

Magnesium - Magnesium is essential to good health. It is naturally present in the body and, in other forms, is used as a medicine and in heart surgery.

Potassium - A very simple chemical substance present in the body in tiny amounts, potassium is nevertheless essential to certain important body functions.

Mono Sodium Glutamate - Monosodium glutamate perks up the flavour of processed food. Used in excess, however, this useful food additive can produce severe reactions in some people.

Salt - Salt and water - the body’s most basic constituents are essential to life, and it is salt which controls many of the body’s vital mechanisms by regulating fluid levels.

Vitamins - Most of us eat a balanced diet - and from this we get all the vitamins we need to keep our bodies working efficiently. Unhappily, vitamin deficiencies are rife in countries where the diet is poor and unbalanced

Food Safety Lesson - Grilled foods are usually considered "healthy" because they are cooked without fat

Mineral - A well balanced diet contains all the minerals necessary to maintain a fit and health body.

Macrobiotics - An ancient oriental theory of diet, macrobiotics is based on the belief that we are what we eat: that our food directly affects our lives. Like all diets, it should only be followed on advice from a doctor.

Water - Perhaps surprisingly, water is the largest single component of the human body - the average man contains about 45 litres. It is essential to every bodily function, and without it we would die after two or three days.

Underweight - In today's world where slim is the ideal, we tend to forget about the possibility of being too thin. But underweight is a very real problem indeed, and one which frequently requires medical investigation and treatment.

Trace Elements - In the human body - that wonder of complex chemistry - trace elements play vital roles. But too much of them, as well as too little, can cause illness

Calcium for good health - Calcium is an important nutrient to the body for blood clotting, normal nerve conduction, regulation of heart rhythm, and bone health...

Students healthy diet - A healthy diet is perhaps the most effective way to achieve a healthy body, inside and out....

Good Fats to Eat - Fat has an undeserved reputation as a diet food that is bad for weight loss and health.....

Four Tips for a Healthy Diet - Eating the right foods can keep you healthy and prevent certain diseases.....

Vegetarian and vegan - The important thing to remember if you're a vegetarian is that you need to eat a balanced.....

Tips for eating out - Due to our increasingly busy lifestyles and craving for more leisure time,.....

Food for a healthy tips - Mainstream North American dietary habits restrict vitamin, mineral and fibre consumption, leading to many undesirable symptoms and health problems......

Benefits of fish - Fish is a highly nutritious food commodity. Being an excellent protein food with fewer calories,......

Benefits of fresh juice - The age-old misconception that juice should be sweet has been overturned during the last few years and as such we have gained access to a far wider range of flavors. ,......

Food and cancer - Food is an important factor in determining cancer incidence in many countries and regions,......

Food and cholestrol - Some foods contain cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is called dietary cholesterol. ,......

How much food - For many people, one of the toughest challenges when planning a party is trying to decide how much food they will need to serve.....

Benefits of fruits and vegetables - Health benefits of fruits and vegetables.....

5 Tips to Reduce Salt in Your Diet - Reducing the amount of the salt in your diet is not hard......

Healthy Snacks for Children - Obesity is becoming a major problem among kids today......

Food and Beverage in the Middle Ages - Food, being necessary to survival and at the same time one of the few pleasures that everyone partakes of several times daily, ......

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