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Health > Keeping Fit > Healthy eating

Healthy Eating

What you need to know

Think of food as fuel for your body. You need to put in the right sorts of fuel in the right amounts to get the optimum performance out of your body. This together with regular exercise will give you more energy, control your weight and even make you concentrate better.

Try to cut down on the sugary, fatty snacks and replace them with fruit and nuts. Eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day and think about eating wholemeal bread rather than white. A healthy diet becomes even more important for teenagers.

What you can do

Record what you eat over the course of a week and compare the foods on the recommended websites that make up a healthy diet. You might be surprised how little of the foods you need that are actually included in your diet, especially if you eat lots of processed foods or ready meals. But you don't need to make major changes to your diet to get the right balance of nutrients.

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