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Health > Keeping Fit > Night Time


After a day of work, play and/or study you just want to hit the sack. But exercises can relax you. Sit on the bed and do the following.


Gently rolls your head in a clockwise motion, then as shown in the pictures at left. Make sure to stretch your neck each time you are at the top of the roll.


Rotate your right shoulder in a clockwise motion three times with your left shoulder.


Put arms straight in front of you. Rotate your right wrist with a clockwise motion while rotating your left wrist with an anticlockwise motion. Do five times and reverse five times.


Lie on the floor and do the following: Stretch your legs, tense them for the count of five and relax. Stretch your arms, tense them for the count of five and relax. Tense your face, maintain the tension for the count of five and relax.

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