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Health > Dental Health > Tooth paste recipe

Tooth paste recipe

Tried and true homemade dental care recipes to not only brighten your teeth and freshen your breathe, but they also save on your pocket book. Experiment, come up with your own variations.

Mint toothpaste recipe


* 6 teaspoons baking soda

* 1/3 teaspoon salt

* 4 teaspoons glycerin

* 15 drops peppermint or wintergreen extract

Directions: Mix thoroughly. Should be a tooth paste consistency. Store in a container. You'll be surprised with how fresh your mouth feels.

Lemon mouthwash recipe


* 3/4 cup vodka

* 20 drops lemon essential oil

* 1 1/4 cup distilled water

* 30 drops bergamot essential oil

Directions: Combine the vodka with the essential oils in a bottle, shake well then allow to sit for 1 week. Shake once a day. When ready to use it , dilute the mix with 3 parts water/ 1 part mixture. Use it as a gargle or mouth rinse. Do Not Drink.

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