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Health > Water Therapy

Water Therapy

The water cure; people who were suffering from "incurable" diseases. It is easy to understand what water does in your body, but bear in mind there is more to it than just simply drinking water. You must learn to rehydrate your body gradually and carefully. Every function inside the body is regulated by and depends on water. Water must be available to carry vital elements, oxygen, hormones, protein, and chemical messengers to all parts of the body. Water is also needed to carry toxic waste away from the cells. Drink six glasses of water (1.5 liters) everyday and you can avoid medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor, etc.

Therapy Procedure

  1. Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.5 liters of water i.e., 5 to 6 glasses. Let us all know that ancient Indians termed this therapy as Usha Paana Chikitsa. You may wash your face thereafter.

  2. Here it is very essential to note that nothing else, neither drinks nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hour before and after drinking these 1.5 liters of water.

  3. It is also to be strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks should be taken the previous night.

  4. If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose.

  5. It is difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at one time, but you will get used to it gradually.

  6. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and to balance two glasses after a gap of two minutes.

  7. You may find the necessity to urinate 2 to 3 times within n hour, but it will become normal after quite some time.

Bath Time

Every bath should be a relaxing experience - save the shower for when you're in a hurry. Light candles and run the bath with the doors shut to create some steam for a sauna-like environment.

Bath time is a good time to revitalise tired eyes. Cucumber slices and cold used teabags are still the favourite.

Try adding a handful of salt grains to your bath instead of perfumed bath cremes for a cleansing soak. Make sure you rinse well afterwards.

Salt is a great natural exfoliant so use it in the shower too. Rub handfuls into your skin using circular motions and remembering to massage towards your heart, not away from it. Rinse well.

Blast yourself with cold water in your morning shower. Turn the temperature down as low as you can bear it and get your whole body wet. It will give your circulation a boost and leave you feeling completely revitalised.

List of Diseases - List of Diseases That Can Be Cured By Water Therapy ....

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Water Exercise -Regular exercise helps keep joints moving, restores and preserves flexibility and strength, and protects joints against further damage. ,....

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