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Health > Dental Health > Dental bleaching

Teeth bleaching

Ever since the invention of the mirror, people have been looking for an easy way to have whiter teeth. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits help by removing the stains and deposits on the surface of the teeth. But for those patients who have dark, yellow,brown or other internal discolorations to their teeth,there has never been a simple solution.

Nothing freshens up your appearence like a whiter, bright smile. Those "glorified toothpastes" at the chemist's store just can't give you the whitest possible smile, only your dentist can. Nite White and Day White are examples of tooth whitening systems which can be used safely to bleach your teeth to lighten discoloration caused by food, coffee, tobacco, aging and other sources.Tooth whitening is a bleaching process that lightens discolorations and removes stains from the enamel and dentin of the teeth. A mild solution retained in a custom filled appliance that is worn over your teeth while you sleep or during the day are used.We simply make you a clear plastic shell (tray) which fits your teeth (it is thin and barely visible). You place the bleaching agent into the tray, slip it into place and go about your business.The process takes from several days to a couple of weeks and will not harm fillings, bonding, caps, or other dental work. Instructions For At Home Bleaching

Bleaching is used to enhance your smile by brightening your existing natural teeth. Bleaching will not make crowns, Veneers/Laminates, bonding or existing fillings lighter. If you bleach and have these type of restorations in your smile line you may want to have these changed after you bleach. When you start to bleach we typically have you bleach your top teeth first when you are bleaching both top and bottom teeth. This will provide you with a comparison so you know just how much your teeth are whitening. The first week just bleach the top teeth. We will check your results after the first week, then we will have you start bleaching the lowers. Bleaching usually takes 2-3 weeks for the complete result. We cannot predict the exact level of shade changes you will have with bleaching, but it will always make your teeth lighter.


1. Brush and floss teeth thoroughly prior to placing the tray in your mouth.

2. Place small drop of gel in tray at each tooth site where whitening is desired.

3. Seat tray completely and firmly onto teeth.

4. Wipe off excess gel with toothbrush or clean finger.

5. Trays are to be worn overnight.

6. When trays are removed, rinse with cool water and remove residual material and store in case. Keep your trays out of the sunlight and heat. Excessive heat can melt the trays. Do not store them in your car during the warm summer months.

7. Brush and rinse remaining gel from teeth after Bleaching.

8. Remove tray prior to eating.

9. You will have enough material to bleach both upper and lower teeth for 2-3 weeks.

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