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Health > Dental Health > Teeth cleaning

Teeth Cleaning

When a dentist or dental hygienist cleans your teeth they remove soft (plaque) and hard (tartar, calculus, or stains) deposits from your teeth.

The primary purpose of having your teeth cleaned is to prevent or delay the progression of periodontal diseases.

Professional dental care alone, however, is inadequate to prevent periodontal diseases. Smoking has been implicated in approximately 50% of periodontal disease cases in adults.

Abstaining from tobacco use, maintaining good oral hygiene, and having your teeth cleaned professionally are the most effective ways to prevent periodontal (gum) diseases.

How to get teeth cleaned?

As with routine dental examinations, the frequency of professional teeth cleaning will depend on the health of your teeth and gums.

Healthy children and adults should have their teeth cleaned at least once every 12-24 months.

If you are at risk of periodontal diseases because of age, tobacco use, rate of accumulation of deposits, personal oral hygiene practices, or medical conditions such as diabetes or HIV infection, your teeth may need to be cleaned more often.

Your dentist or dental hygienist can help you determine how often you should have your teeth cleaned.

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