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Health > Meditation > Meditation Techniques >Chakras Meditation

Chakras Meditation

Chakra meditation is a very beneficial form of meditation. The benefits are numerous and can help you out in many ways. A chakra is like an energy center of sorts inside the body. Most experts would say they are aligned along the spine. Chakra meditation is a way to tap into that energy or life force.

Chakra meditation can help to allow a better flow throughout the body. There are many different opinions on how many chakras there actually are in the body. Some experts say as few as five, while others go as high as eight. Chakra is literally translated to mean wheel. This definition fits as they are thought to be spinning centers that collect energy from the outside universe. The main goal of Chakra meditation is to bring the chakras into balance. Through consideration and contemplation, this can be achieved. When this is accomplished, you are will be revitalized. It is like opening a storehouse of life energy.

Chakra meditation will help you take control of these wheels of energy through exercises of inner reflection. Whenever you can take control of your body and mind, you will be better off in the long run. The benefits that it gives you are astounding. Maintaining balance in between these chakras is essential for health and mental well-being. Balance is essential in everyone’s life today. Without it, you will feel lost and overwhelmed at times. With balance, you will feel relaxed, poised, and in control of your thought. These are feelings that everyone wants to achieve. Instituting chakra meditation into your daily routine will provide many positive results in your life. You will profit from these results for as long as you remain consistent in your practice.

How to:

  • It can be done sitting, or lying.
  • Close your eyes, adjust your body, clothing.
  • Let the breath relax, slow and deepen, but do not control it.
  • After a few minutes of settling in, commence Ujjayi pranayam, and carry on for some time
  • Now bring awareness to the spinal passage, such that awareness of breath is from bottom to top, Spend a few minutes establishing this inner breath pattern up and down. Ascending with inhalation, descending with exhalation.
  • Begin to locate chakras within that channel. Need not pin point the exact location, just focus on general area. Try to feel the location of each station and mentally repeat its name as you pass by it. On your way up mentally repeat from Mooldhara to Ajna, and way down reverse the order.
  • Just before finishing let go of breath sound, then names. And chant mantra' 'Om' 3 times.


  • Awakening of Chakra can have its side effects. Excessive mental energy can be a problem with those who do not have abundant physical activity.
  • Never meditate on one Chakra without qualified guidance. It can lead to an imbalance and cause personality problems.

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