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Health > Dental Health > Teeth lightening

Teeth lightening

For those patients that opt to lighten and brighten their teeth at home, our office offers an incredibly successful system for Home Lightening. Our professional, dentist-supervised bleaching system offers safe and effective means of lightening mildly discolored teeth.

This is a much more effective and more long-term, stable method than those available over the counter at pharmacies and in discount stores.

Teeth, which are basically light yellow, will respond to some degree. Teeth darkened by aging (brown-orange) respond predictably. Other types of stains (smoke stain, fluorosis and Tetracycline) are also lightened, but results vary. After making a mold of your teeth, a special flexible “tray” is fabricated and fitted to your teeth.

You will receive a kit of special lightening gel. A shade will be taken, and instructions reviewed with you. You will wear this tray with the special gel from two to six hours per day. This can be daytime or nighttime. The speed of lightening will depend on the number of hours per day that the tray is worn. The program usually lasts about two weeks; some cases may take longer. You will have at least two visits to check on your progress. As an option, you may consider the alternative of in-office bleaching. This process takes about two hours.

Although most patients have no lasting side effects, some people develop cold sensitivity, gum sores or other temporary miscellaneous effects. These usually disappear in one to two days. In extremely rare cases, teeth can develop nerve problems, which require treatment. The colors of existing crowns and bonded composite fillings will not change. Therefore, they may look darker relative to the newly lightened shade of the natural teeth. You can limit the amount of lightening according to your desire.

Most patients find that they need to reapply the gel from time to time to maintain the desired effect. This allows you to keep your new dazzling smile bright and beautiful. Tough-up kits for this process are available at our office.

Following the treatment, we will determine the new shade of your teeth. If additional lightening is desired, we will advise you on alternative types of treatment necessary to accomplish your goal. Smile and Enjoy! If you want whiter teeth.

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