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Health > Womens > Pregnancy

General information - If there's ever a time to make sure you're following a healthy diet, it's during pregnancy. Eating properly is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your developing fetus. But being pregnant does not mean that you should "eat for two.

Morning sickness - Feeling nauseated or actually being sick are symptoms often experienced during the first three months of pregnancy. Following a sensible diet and eating small meals regularly may do much to alleviate the discomfort.

Nutrition - The complex processes that occur during pregnancy require a rich supply of protein, vitamins and minerals for both mother and child. ....

Insomnia during pregnancy - Many women suffer from intermittent or chronic insomnia during pregnancy. There are many reasons you may have trouble drifting off to dreamland during pregnancy....

Exercises - Though you may not always feel like doing it, exercise during pregnancy is an important habit to get into. In fact, maintaining your health through exercise can be just as beneficial as following a nutritious pregnancy diet. ....

Medications - When you are pregnant, it is important to understand that everything you take into your body passes from your blood to baby's blood; therefore, it is best to avoid all over-the-counter medicines especially in the first eight weeks of pregnancy...

Tubal pregnancy - Tubal pregnancy, also referred to as ectopic pregnancy, is the number one cause of death of women in the first trimester of pregnancy. With the numbers of tubal pregnancy on the rise, it is important to understand more about tubal pregnancies.. ....

Pregnancy Calendar - Your baby is really getting ready to be born...

Before hospital - What to do before going to hospital...

Itching - Itching during pregnancy is often a normal side effect, but a frustrating side effect, of pregnancy. This is particularly the case when your uterus grows and expands to accommodate your new baby and your skin stretches. Pregnancy hormones can also result in some itching during pregnancy as well as changes in your liver enzymes....

Placental abruption - Placental abruption is the early separation of a normal placenta from the wall of the uterus...

Pregnancy diet - It is crucial that your body has the necessary chemical elements, strength and stamina to make it through pregnancy with good health....

Types of birth control - If you and your partner don’t want to have a baby at this time, there are many different products that can help prevent pregnancy.....

Benefits of breast feeding - The primary benefit of breast milk is nutritional.....

Natural childbirth - A natural birth (also known as an unmedicated birth) is just that - it is the delivery of a baby without using drugs or surgery during birth. .....

Food for pregnancy - Eat Hard Cheeses instead of Soft Cheeses During Pregnancy. .....

Food to avoid during pregnancy - It's important to know which foods are safe to eat and which you need to avoid while pregnant. .....

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