Health > Womens >
Pregnancy > Pack for the hospital
What to pack for the hospital
Have your bags packed at least one to two months before its due date — if you don't need it, fine, but it's better to have it ready than not!
For Mother
* Several nightgowns (that you don't mind getting murky!) and slippers.
*Heavy-duty sanitary pads for the post-birth bleeding known as lochia.
* Several changes of underwear. Unsexy as it is, try and get some with a high waist. In the event that you do have a caesarian section, you don't want your knicker line rubbing against the incision.
* A nursing bra and nursing pads.
* Your usual toiletries, including toothbrush and toothpaste. Gas in particular can dry your mouth out, making it feel stale.
* Hair bands.
* Chepels
*Clothes to go home in.
*A little money for necessities such snacks, magazines or even a taxi journey home.
* CD player and music of your choice, if you wish.
For Baby
* Nappies.
* White Clothes
* Blankets
* Baby Sheet and Towels