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Health > Keeping Fit > Lunch Time


Healthy lunches and snacks are important for active youth and children. Your lunch should be a part of your balanced daily diet. Eating healthy food helps you concentrate and learn. Healthy eating changes are not always easy to make. Try to set a good example with your own lunches. Encourage children to be involved in preparing their own lunch and choosing the foods to include. They might like to make a list of the foods they enjoy. Lunch is an important meal. As you are going to be in office, you will certainly need to get some fresh ideas about what to make from time to time.Foods to put in a lunch box are

Fresh fruit


Meat or protein food such as slices of lean meat, hardboiled egg or peanut butter.

Dairy food such as cheese stick or slice, grated cheese, milk or yoghurt.

Starchy food such as bread, a roll, pita or flat bread.

A frozen drink such as water or milk.

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