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Health > kids > Infections > Tonsillitis


The tonsils' job is to catch germs before they cause infections in the throat, mouth, or sinuses. Usually, tonsils do their job well. But sometimes bacteria or viruses get into the tonsils. When this happens, you have tonsillitis.


If you have tonsillitis, your throat usually hurts and it's hard to eat or drink or even swallow. You may also have a fever. Here are some other signs that bacteria or a virus is infecting your tonsils:

redder-than-normal tonsils

a yellow or white coating on the tonsils

a funny-sounding voice

swollen glands in the neck


bad breath

How Is Tonsillitis Treated?

If the tonsillitis is caused by strep bacteria, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, a type of medicine that kills bacteria. It's very important to take the antibiotics exactly as you're supposed to and finish the entire prescription to kill all the bacteria.

If the tonsillitis is caused by a virus, antibiotics won't work and your body will fight off the infection on its own. Sometimes kids get an operation to remove their tonsils, but only if their tonsils get infected a lot during the year or are so big they make it hard for the kid to breathe at night.

If you get tonsillitis, here are some tips that can help you feel better:

Drink plenty of fluids.

Eat smooth foods, including flavored gelatin, soups, ice-pops, and applesauce.

Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods.

Use a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in the room where you spend the most time.


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