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Health > homeremedies >Sore Throat

Sore Throat

A sore throat (also known as pharyngitis or tonsillitis) is a disease primarily located in throat around the tonsils.

1. Increase your liquid intake and make sure your house is humidified properly.

2. Gargle with warm salt water (¼ teaspoon salt to ½ cup water) several times a day. This remedy is svery good.

3. Drink a glass of hot water with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and some honey. You'll get quick relief and will feel better instantly. You can also drink a chamomile tea with lemon and honey added.

4. Cut a lemon into 2 pieces. Take one piece and put some salt and black pepper on it, press with a knife so that salt-pepper penetrate into the lime. Put the lemon on heat to make it warm. Slowly lick this lemon squeezing it until no juice remains. Do it 2-3 times a day.

5. Chives and scallions are helpful for a sore throat when simmered in water for 5 minutes. Drink as a tea.

6. Figs, beets are beneficial in sore throat.

7. Eat garlic. Garlic is an anti-septic and good for many conditions.

8. Take over-the-self pain relievers such as ibuprofen.

9. use commonsense hygeine.

When to Consult a Doctor?

You should consult your Doctor in the following conditions:

1. Severe and prolonged or frequently recurring sore throat.

2. Severe sore throat if it does not go in 7 days.

3. Difficulty breathing, swallowing, opening the mouth.

4. Fever over 101°F.

5. If there is puss in tonsillitis.

6. Blood in saliva.

7. Earache.

8. Lump in neck.

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