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Health > Senior Health > Sleep problems

Sleep problems

As people age, they may find sleep a bit more elusive or sometimes broken by spells of wakefulness. Or maybe they just lie there for what may seem like hours unable to fall asleep. This isn't necessarily caused by age.

Here are some suggestions

Increase exposure to bright light and natural light during the day and early evening.

Avoid napping after 2 p.m. and limit yourself to one half-hour nap a day.

Check the effect of medications on sleep.

Wait until you're sleepy to go to bed.

Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. If you're hungry, eat a light snack.

Limit liquids in the evening.

Keep a regular schedule.

Rest and retire at the same time each day.

Eat and exercise regularly.

Manage stress by discussing worries long before bedtime and by using relaxation techniques.

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