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Health > Plastic Surgery


Dislike your bumpy nose? Want to reduce your love handles? Once thought to be the terrain only of women and movie stars, plastic surgery is becoming much more popular among men.


Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic procedure for men. In 1998, almost 20,000 men had the procedure, which involves vacuuming fat from beneath the surface of the skin. Other common procedures for men, in order of their popularity, are eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, breast reduction, and facelifts.

As people start to approach middle age, they become more self-conscious about their appearance, especially with today's emphasis on a fit, youthful appearance,


Today's plastic surgeons offer more options than ever before for improving a man's appearance, and many procedures have been streamlined to be less invasive, with quicker recovery times.

Laser surgeries are becoming more popular, as well as procedures that don't involve actual surgery, such as removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into other areas to reduce fine lines.

Botox injections are another popular option. A weak botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles of the face, resulting in a more relaxed expression with fewer fine lines.

New techniques allow doctors to improve on nature in ways that weren't widely available even a decade ago. Hair implants, penile enhancement to add length and circumference to the penis, calf and pectoral implants and a form of liposuction known as abdominal sculpting are several areas of plastic surgery which have been specifically designed for men in recent years.


The cost of plastic surgery varies widely depending on the procedure performed and where you have it done.

Your plastic surgeon should provide a detailed accounting of estimated costs prior to surgery. Cosmetic surgery usually is not covered by medical insurance; however, some procedures, such as eyelid surgery or nose reshaping, may be partially covered if determined to be reconstructive or to correct a medical condition. Financing is often available for procedures not covered by insurance.


Aside from cost, pain and recovery time are major considerations. Though these depend on the procedure performed and the individual patient, newer procedures and medications help to lessen pain and speed healing. A simple facial peel may take only a day or two for you to return to normal activity, while extensive abdominal surgery might require several months before full activity could be resumed.


While most plastic surgery procedures are the same for men and women, there are some physiologic differences between the sexes that surgeons must take into consideration. Men have a larger facial blood supply than women, which may result in more bleeding during facial surgery and more initial bruising.

Doctors performing facial surgery on men must consider patterns of beard and hair growth and plan carefully for the location of surgical scars, since most men don't wear makeup that can hide scars. Men generally retain their skin elasticity better as they age and the fat they store is generally firmer, so that liposuction is generally more effective for men than women.


Most plastic surgeons offer initial consultations at low or no cost to discuss your goals, your reasons for having surgery and the expected results. During the consultation, the doctor will explain various options available to achieve the results you want, provide detailed information on how the surgery is done, what to expect during the recovery period, precautions you should take, and financial considerations. Be wary of doctors who make fantastic claims, promise perfection, or fail to answer completely any questions you may have.


With today's surgical procedures, fewer people feel bound by the old rules of aging. Plastic surgery is expensive, recovery can be long, and the wrong surgeon can put you at risk for serious medical complications. Plastic surgery does offer you the option of keeping your youthful looks, but with exercise, a healthy diet, and limited sun exposure, you may accomplish this goal all by yourself.

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