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Health > Ayurveda > Ayurvedic Treatment >Pizhichil


Pizhichil is a special form of treatment which is a combination of oil massage and heat treatment. This therapy is also known as treatment for aristocrats as in the olden days the Maharajas or Kings used to have this treatment.

A gentle, synchronized massage is carried out under a constant flow of warm herbal oil. This Ayurveda treatment also involves squeezing a cloth soaked in oil over the body. During this treatment the patient is made to sit on a Ayurveda chair specially made for this purpose and the medicated oils are then applied over the head and body.

Ayurveda therapists are all the time present for the observation of the treatment and if needed at the same time the Shriodhara is also undertaken.

A cloth is tied over the forehead of the therapy taker to prevent oil from getting into the eyes. The warm, medicated oil is then poured in a continually flowing single stream, by squeezing a clean cloth dipped in oil over the body. The treatment starts and ends with the patient in a sitting position. In the duration in-between, the patient is made to lie flat while the application of Shirodhara goes on.

This Ayurveda treatment of Pizhichil has been highly valued by all our guests and produces good results in case of joint problems and muscle tension. The duration of Pizhichil is decided by the Ayurveda experts after the body constitution of the individual has been determined.

Pizhichil Treatment increases the blood circulation, nourishes muscles, nerves tissues and sexual ability. Pizhichil Ayurveda treatment is also effective for Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and general debility.

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