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Health > Ayurveda > Ayurvedic Treatment >Njavarakizhi


Kizhi or njavarakizhi is another special Ayurvedic full-body massage therapy. Boluses of njavara rice, which is boiled and medicated is wrapped in hand-size cotton bags. Kizhi is such a bag of any cloth made by wrapping something inside and tying on side to keep the wrapped items safe.

In the massage program, the kizhi (boluses of njavara made into a handheld bag) is dipped in warm decoctions. There can be two or four masseurs applying kizhi to the whole body of the person. This makes the body of the person perspire and this method provides direct nourishment to soft tissues near the skin.

The therapy can last for up to an hour a day and continues for 14 days. Persons suffering from joint pains, rheumatism, bad cholesterol, weak and underdeveloped limbs, and certain skin disorders can take an appropriate njavarakkizhi therapy or simply kizhi therapy.

Kizhi or njavarakkizhi therapy is associated with steam bath with medicated herbs, and abhayanga or specialized medicated oil therapy.

The possible spellings for kizhi or njavarakizhi can be navarakizhi, navarakkizhi, njavarakkizhi, njavarakizi, njavarakkizi, kihzi, etc.

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