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Health > Ayurveda > Ayurvedic Treatment >Netra Tarpana

Netra Tarpana

Netra Tarpana is a special Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes. It relieves tiredness and also improves eyesight. It is highly recommended for people who regularly work at computers, operate machinery, drive for long periods or anyone who is currently suffering from tired, aching and sore eyes.

This Ayurveda treatment for eyes is carried out in combination with a face massage and is experienced by our guests as being very enjoyable, relaxing and effective. This therapy takes around 30 minutes in total.

Freshly made dough rings filled with fragrant oils are placed around the eyes, sterilized cow’s ghee (a clear butter-like liquid) is gently poured onto the eyes while they are kept open. It is very effective at treating eye diseases and poor or blurred vision.

Recommended for: people who spend a lot of time on computers, people suffering from blurred vision, eye infections or generally tired and aching eyes.

Benefits: improved sight, clearer colour definition when seeing, relief from aching and tired eyes.

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