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Health > Keeping Fit > Lose Weight By Walking


Just One Hour A Day ...........

If you walk at the speed of 2 miles per hour, you will burn 240 calories.

If you walk at the speed of 3 miles per hour, you will burn 320 calories.

If you walk at the speed of 4 miles per hour, you will burn 440 calories.

A brisk walk at bedtime is a good tranquillizer.


In overweight individuals, a little control over calories along with regular walking works wonders.

Diet programmes instituted all over the world have only provided temporary benefit to participants. These individuals have regained weight in a short period, after discontinuation,

Hence, diet control in combination with exercise is found to be necessary. Instead of undertaking strenuous and time-consuming physical exercise, regular walking is a suitable alternative.


A regular walk instills discipline which is projected in every walk of life. Walking improves the posture by toning up muscles and thus enhances confidence.

It has been observed that 95% of regular walkers are of normal body weight and seldom fall sick. Regular walking helps to quit habits like smoking and of individuals can easily over come these habits within 3-4 months of regular walks.


Walking reduces the tummy by toning up the abdominal muscles, which become lax due to excessive fat deposits. Even if a regular walker does not lose weight, he appears slim for this reason.


Walking increases the calcium content of the bone, thereby strengthening the bones of the elderly. After 50 years of age, a glass of milk along with regular walks is an excellent therapy for avoiding to brittle bones and fractures . People with stiff joints and muscles will find tremendous relief from walking regularly. It increases the range of movements of the joints and helps to relieve nagging aches and pains.


Recent studies have established that the incidence of such headaches are reduced by half in those who walk regularly.

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