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Health > Ayurveda > Headache Treatment

Headache Treatment

Ayurvedic thought propose that headaches are due to aggravation of the three doshas, or humors. Instead of taking a painkiller as is popular in Western medicine, ayurvedic thought believes that it is necessary to find out the root problem behind the headache. There are many different causes, but fortunately, there are also many different remedies that are available.

Most often, it is the vata humor that is out of balance when you have a headache. Some of the many possible causes include:

  • Mental stress
  • Fever
  • Excessive caffeine or nicotine
  • Reading without proper lighting
  • Sitting too close to the television, or watching too much of it
  • May also be a symptom of some other disease
  • Side-effect of another medication
  • Head injury
  • Not sleeping well
Here are several suggested remedies, many of which are easily made at home:
  • Take one teaspoon of almond oil and heat; when it has cooled sufficiently, place two drops of the oil in each nostril
  • Rub mixture containing one teaspoon of cinnamon oil and a quarter of a teaspoon of clove powder into the site of the pain
  • Place a wet cloth on the neck
  • Try an oil massage on your scalp; some suggested oils include sesame and almond
  • Do a headstand only if it is before dawn or after dusk and you have an empty stomach
  • Diet is also an important component in the fight against headaches.
Following are some suggestions for appeasing the vata humor:
  • Eating certain nuts or seeds that have been soaked, including almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds
  • Light squashes
  • Fiber
  • Pomegranate

Generally, warm foods that are not too dry; try cooking vegetables in olive oil

There are also many things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms and prevent future headaches from ever occurring.
  • Keeping your mind and body free from stress is very important
  • Try to maintain a proper diet; avoid things like fried foods and spicy foods
  • Do not try to suppress natural urges for things like sneezing, yawning, bathroom needs
  • Avoid sleeping during the day
  • Proper exercise and stretching
  • Try getting a massage with therapeutic oils
There is also a set of remedies for those who suffer from migraine type headaches
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sun
  • Take walks during the full moon
  • A very beneficial yoga pose for migraines is Moon Salutation
  • Practice shitali, which is a cooling breathing exercise that has many added benefits

Sometimes, according to ayurvedic medicine, where exactly the headache is occurring is actually a warning to your body that there is a problem elsewhere. By becoming familiar with what zone your headaches occur in, your practitioner will be able to determine if you are really suffering from ulcers, a kidney disorder, or something else, and the headache itself is merely a symptom.

If you suffer from frequent headaches, be sure to visit an ayurvedic practitioner who can thoroughly examine you and determine a specific treatment plan with your particular needs in mind.

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