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Health > Heart Attack > Diagnosis >Echocardiograms

An echocardiograms shows :

  • The sizes of the 4 chambers of the heart.

  • The strength of the heart muscle. This is invaluable to doctors in assessing the damage done by heart attacks and to determine how to best treat a patient with heart failure.

  • The presence of fluid around the heart. An echocardiogram is the quickest way to diagnose this condition to avoid delays in treatment.

  • Problems with the valves of the heart. The heart has 4 valves which must open and close properly in order for the heart to function normally. Abnormal valve function can lead to heart murmurs, difficulty breathing, swelling, fainting or chest discomfort.

  • Congenital heart disease. Babies born with holes in their hearts or abnormal connections between the cardiac chambers can be accurately diagnosed with an echocardiogram.

  • Get information about the pressures within the chambers of the heart and the pressures within the chambers of the heart.

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