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Health > Home Remedies >Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash or nappy rash is a common problem usually caused by irritation of the wet or dirty diaper that cause redness or dermatitis of the thighs and buttocks of the baby. The cause for the diaper rash is: sensitivity to soup or other creams, sensitivity to certain food or drinks that raises the acid and ammonia levels in the urine and feces. The diaper rash can be very itchy and painful for the baby.

Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

* Let your baby be without a diaper for 15-30 minutes a few times a day.

* Wash the baby's bottom with warm water and dry well. Then smear Vegetable Oil on the baby's diaper rash.

* Home remedy for diaper rash: apply a small amount of cooking lard to afflicted area.

* Put unwrapped tea bags in the baby's diaper, to heal the rash within 1 day (Beware! it will turn the baby's bottom brown).

* Fill up the baby's tub with water and add some oatmeal. Put the baby in the bath and wash the area that has the diaper rash for 15 minutes.

* Mix corn starch and Vaseline to make a paste and smear on the baby's diaper rash

* Cook some flour in a frying pan on medium heat; keep sifting the flour with a fork until it turns light golden brown. At each diaper change, sprinkle a little bit on the baby's bottom. You should see results within 2-3 days.

* Generously Apply Vaseline on the baby's bottom and diaper. Makes a waterproof layer between baby's skin and diaper and helps to stop the diaper rash.

* Burn flour on the stove not too dark and apply on the rash for 48 hours

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