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Health > Diabetics >Diabetic foot problems

Diabetic foot problems

In people with diabetes, these problems frequently lead to infections. If blood glucose levels are high, your ability to fight infection is weakened. High glucose levels cause two types of problems that can significantly hurt your feet.

Nerve damage:

High blood sugar can damage the nerves in your legs and feet. With damaged nerves, you might not feel pain, heat, or cold in your legs and feet. A sore or cut on your foot can get worse because you don't know it is there. This lack of feeling is called diabetic neuropathy. It can make a small problem much worse.

Poor blood flow:

Diabetes often affects the blood vessels, reducing the amount of blood flowing to your legs and feet. This makes it hard for a sore or infection to heal. Smoking when you have diabetes makes blood flow problems much worse.

Skin changes:

Excessive skin dryness, scaling, and cracking indicate that the circulation to this protective tissue is compromised. Other skin changes may include healed or new ulcers, calluses, and broken skin between the toes.

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