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Health >Home Remedies >Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath is associated with teeth problems. Plaque on the tongue can cause bad breath where bacteria can grow.

1. Brush your teeth in the morning, in the evening, and after every meal, specially after consuming milk products, fish and meat.

2. Brush your tongue along with your teeth regularly.

3. Wash the tongue with baking soda dissolved in warm water to reduce the acidity in your mouth making a less-friendly environment for the bacteria to grow.

4. Brushing and flossingteeth regularly can rid off bad breath.

5. Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly.

6. Avoid mouthwashes with dyes and alcohol. Mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite or zinc may serve as an antibacterial agent, that can control the number of anaerobic bacteria in mouth.

7. Parsley, coriander, basil, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen, cardamom seeds, cinnamon bark, clove, fennel or anise seeds are great breath fresheners. Slowly chew any of these herbs and allow the saliva to build up in your mouth.

8. A study (Feb 2005) reported to the International Association for Dental research suggests that eating plain yogurt for 6 weeks can sweeten your breath because it reduces levels of offensive compounds produced by bacteria in the mouth by 80%.

9. Rinse your mouth before sleeping with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon added.

10. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

11. Talk to your periodontist about gum and teeth problems that might be the cause of bad breath.

12.If you keep teeth, tongue, and mouth clean, you will not suffer from the problem of bad breath. You should take all care in cleaning your teeth by using proper tooth brush and adopting correct brushing technique. Follow the good oral hygiene rules. Please read all the information given in the related links given above.

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