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Health > Kids > Ulcer Childhood


Researchers Now Look For Ways To Prevent Adult Ulcers
In the early 20th century, the cause of ulcers was thought to be related to stress and your diet.

Later, in the 1980's, it was discovered bacteria in your stomach was the culprit. Now researchers believe it all begins during your childhood.

For instance, doctors are working with a young child he's being tested for bacteria that causes ulcer disease.

"We are looking for the presence of a bacteria, of H Polaroid Gur Polaroid. This bacteria is known world-wide as the primary cause of ulcer disease in children and adults,"

"If I was not treated with antibiotics for that acute infection, I would then develop a chronic carrier state, where the so-called bacteria colonizes the lining and the stomach, and we think it's that chronic colonization over time that leads to adult ulcer disease," he said.

NewsChannel5 reports the bacteria can lay dormant for years, which is why researchers are now studying families. They want to understand how it's acquired, transmitted, and the best way to treat it.

"We're convinced that if we can find it early on and treat it appropriately, we may be able to prevent ulcer disease during adulthood".

A simple breath test determines if the bacteria is present in the stomach and if so, treatment can begin early. If there is a family history of ulcers or a child exhibits some of the symptoms, a test can rule out the infection.

It is just a painless test. But depending on the results, it could help doctors prevent him from ever experiencing the pain of stomach ulcers

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