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Health > Diabetics >Things to Remember

Things to Remember

* Eat more starches such as bread, cereal, and starchy vegetables.

* Eat five fruits and vegetables every day. Have a piece of fruit or two as a snack, or add vegetables to chili, stir-fried dishes or stews. You can also pack raw vegetables for lunch or snacks.

* Eat sugars and sweets in moderation. Include your favorite sweets in your diet once or twice a week at most. Split a dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth while reducing the sugar, fat and calories.

* Keep your blood glucose levels even. Don't leave home without your meds and monitor, and bring extra meds if you think you may stay out longer than planned. You may need to test more frequently around special occasions and adjust your medications accordingly.

* Always wear medical identification and be aware of where and how to obtain medical care should it be necessary.

* When choosing a meal, try to stick to foods that have been grilled, barbecued, marinated, steamed, baked, or poached.

* Try to find out what's on the menu so you can plan your daily meal plan, or carb counting, around the party.

* Limit foods that are fried, creamed, buttered, breaded, or that are served with sauces. Do not add butter, sour cream, gravy, cream, or salad dressing at the table.

* Find out how alcohol affects your blood glucose and, if you drink, always drink in moderation. If you know you'll be drinking, don't drink on an empty stomach. Let someone in your party know you have diabetes. Low blood glucose symptoms are easily mistaken for drunkenness. And most important, don't drink if you'll be driving or if you haven't discussed the potential health risks with your health care team.

* Tobacco has many bad health effects, particularly for people with diabetes. Smokers with diabetes are more likely to get nerve damage and kidney disease. Smoking raises your blood sugar level, making it harder to control your diabetes. Smoking damages and constricts the blood vessels. This damage can worsen foot ulcers and lead to blood vessel disease and leg and foot infections.

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