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Health > Womens > Breast Cancer > Breast Self-examination

Breast Self-examination

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women today. For women of all ages, the breast self-exam is a useful tool that is easily learned. It is used to look for unusual lumps, skin changes, or discharge. For most women, once-a-month exams are easy to remember, with the best time being about one week after the start of a period.

There are two important ways to check your breasts. The first is by looking. A mirror should be used to check the breasts for pulls, dents, odd coloring, or lumps. The best positions for inspecting are leaning forward, arms on hips tightly, and standing upright with both arms over your head. When checking the breasts, keep in mind that both breasts should look the same, especially around the nipple.

The second way to check the breasts is by feeling. There are two ways to do this part of the exam and it is best to use a different one each month. One method uses water or oil on the skin to help fingers glide over the skin more easily. The shower can be a good place for this kind of exam. The second way is to use a thin tee shirt or sheet over the breasts.

In both of these ways, the little skin lumps and bumps are less noticeable. Feel the breast tissue for any areas that feel different from the rest of the breast. Sometimes a difference will be a ball or lump. Yet other times it will be a thickened band or a deep, hard area that does not move like the rest of the breast.

Breast self-exam is not a substitute for mammography or for regular exams by a healthcare professional. Be sure to keep regular appointments as recommended by your healthcare provider.

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