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Health > Womens > Breast Cancer > How to Prevent Breast Cancer

How to Prevent Breast Cancer

There are factors that increase the risk of breast cancer and factors that lower your breast cancer risk. The factors that seem to reduce risk are

* Having your first child at a young age (under 30)

* Breastfeeding

* Try to exercise at least 4 hours a week--even if it is just walking. Some studies have found a reduced risk of breast cancer among women who exercise regularly or who were athletic as adolescents.

* Keeping your weight within a healthy range for your height

* Not drinking too much alcohol

* Enjoy more fruits. They contribute powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber.

* Enjoy more vegetables. They contribute other powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals and they also contribute fiber.

* Keep fat, saturated fat, and animal fat moderate. Researchers are still trying to figure out if and how the amount of fat in our food changes our risk for breast cancer.

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