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Health > Home Remedies >Common Cold

Common Cold

The common cold is very common yet it has no easy cure. But there are a few things that can ease the effect of common cold. Vitamin C is wonderful for the cure of common cold. It can make the symptoms less severe or can shorten the length of a cold from seven days to two or three days with less coughing, sneezing, and other symptoms. In fact, vitamin C works as a scavenger in our body throwing out all toxins. If you feel a cold coming on, you should start taking Vitamin C.

* Nasal drops for dry and stuffy nose. Add 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to about 5 ml lukewarm water. Use this solution as a nasal drop. Use 1 to 2 drops in each nostril about 3 to 4 times daily. You can keep this nasal drop in refrigerator for 2-3 days.

* Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

* Zinc lozenges can help, and quicken recovery. They are good for a dry irritated throat.

* Get plenty of rest, when you rest up your immune system is boosted up and it quickens the process of getting better.

* Eat garlic raw, put it in your mouth and chew to get relief.

* Fill a glass with warm water and mix in 1 tsp of table salt and gargle several times a day to cure throat soreness. This is a good treatment.

* Take a bath with a few drops of cinnamon in the bath water can relieve congestion.

* Take hot water in a bowl and put some Vicks vaporub. Place your nose over the vapors and inhale, covering yourself with a towel. This remedy is good for your blocked nose.

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