Health > Common Health Problems > Ear Pain
Ear Pain
Most commonly earache is a result of an ear infection. Ear infections most commonly occur when cold symptoms, such as a runny or stuffy nose and cough, have been present for a few days.
Ear infection is the most commonly diagnosed bacterial infection in children younger than age 7.
Even though ear infections are a common cause of ear pain, not all ear pain indicates an infection. Other common causes of ear pain include:
- Teething.
- An object in the ear.
- A sore throat.
- An accumulation of earwax
- Air pressure changes.
- Fluid buildup without infection
Home remedies for Ear Pain
*Sit up A few minutes upright will decrease swelling and start your eustachian tubes draining. Swallowing will help ease the pain.
*Pour some garlic juice in the paining ear; its antibiotic qualities will help to relieve the pain.
*Take Vitamin C to help boost the immune system and fight infection. It is a natural antibiotic and antihistamine that helps to reduce inflammation and fever.
*Put two drops of holy basil leaves juice in the aching ear.
*Clean your ear regularly with care.