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Health > Diabetics > Diabetic Diet

Diabetic Diet

If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor has probably mentioned that you should pay careful attention to nutrition and diet as part of your treatment program. Diet is very important in diabetes patients. If you've never attempted to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet before your diabetes diagnosis, it can be difficult to know where to get started. Try these tips for keeping diabetics normal.

Soluble fibers are found mainly in fruits, vegetables and some seeds, and are especially good for people with diabetes because they help to slow down or reduce the absorption of glucose from the intestines. Legumes, such as cooked kidney beans, are among the highest soluble fiber foods. Other fiber-containing foods, such as carrots, also have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Insoluble fibers, found in bran, whole grains and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleaning out the lower gastrointestinal tract. Fruits recommended are apples, apple juice, applesauce, apricot halves, berries including: strawberries,low sugar cranberry juice, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, grape juice,pineapple, plums, watermelon

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for everyone with diabetes. Weight control is extremely important in treating type 2 diabetes because extra body fat makes it difficult for people with type 2 diabetes to make and use their own insulin. If you are overweight, losing just 10 to 20 pounds may improve your blood sugar control so much that you can stop taking or reduce your medication.

Changing your lifestyle and habits to live with diabetes can be a real challenge. But the benefit of taking care of yourself and your disease includes preventing or delaying serious health complications ranging from tingling feet to kidney failure and blindness. When your blood glucose level is in normal range you feel better.

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