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Health > First Aids >Common Cold

Common Cold

The common cold is a viral infection of the lining (mucous membrane) of the upper respiratory tract including the nose, pharynx, throat and the tubes leading to the lungs (trachea and bronchial tubes).

The infection causes the mucous membranes to become swollen (congested) and inflamed and the infected cells produce an increased amount of secretions, resulting in a runny nose and watery eyes. Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections such as the common cold. However, there are a few measures you can take to help your body and make you feel a little better:

1. Garlic juice is often helpful. Add few drops of garlic oil and a teaspoonful of onion juice in a cup of water and drink it.

2. Ginger tea or a teaspoonful of ginger juice taken with equal quantity of honey brings relief.

3. For dry and stuffy nose, try normal saline or salt water nasal drops made by adding 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to about 100ml lukewarm water. Use a clean dropper to instill 1-2 drops in each nostril about 3-4 times daily.

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