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Health > Home Remedies >Backaches

Home Remedies For Backaches

Backache, also known as back pain, or dorsopathy, is a nonspecific term used to describe discomfort or a pain in the region of the back or spine. It is one of the most common complain among humans. The back pain may come from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. The causes for backaches vary: It can be an infection, inflammation, mechanical pain, degenerative, neoplastic, metabolic pain, referred pain or psychogenic pain.

* Massage your back.

* Apply a heating pad where the back hurts.

* Take a warm bath and sit in for a while relaxing.

* Home remedy for backaches: Put buckwheat in a cloth, warm in the microwave and apply on the back for a few minutes.

* Rock the pelvis from side to side and front to back.

* For lower back pain: eat nuts daily.

* Swim daily.

* Stretch daily.

* Massage your back with mint oil.

* Rub your back with almond oil.

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