Health > Common Health Problems > Acne
Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous (oil) glands, located under the skin. When for some reason glandular activity increases, for example puberty acne may appear, the glands secrete a lot more sebum then normal, if on its way to the surface, the sebum becomes trapped under the skin, the gland breaks, spilling sebum, this irritates the under layers of the skin and some pimple forms. This is how acne begins to affect several body parts, like the face, back, neck or chest.
Acne Vulgaris is characterized by the presence of comedones or blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts, and scars. There are over half a dozen types of acne, the most common being blackheads. Vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance of healthy skin and hormonal balance. Research has confirmed that people with severe acne typically have low levels of vitamin A in their blood. There are several reports of adolescent women with imbalanced hormonal function and consequent acne who were 'cured' of acne within a few weeks after taking vitamin A supplements.
Home remedies for Acne
*Lemon juice applied regulary has proved very beneficial in reducing pimples and acne.
* Rub with raw garlic several times a day on acne affected areas. Acne can further be cured by eating three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month.
*Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, soft drinks, candies, ice cream, refined and processed foods should be avoided as far as possible.