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Health > Ayurveda > Toothache treatment


Teeth are very vital factors in the process of digestion because it is they which first deal with the food one eats. These teeth are of quite different varieties. Some cut the food, some munch it and some press it with the help of saliva. Teeth are important not only to help indigestion but also to keep the face beautiful.

Causes of Toothache

  • Use of too cold or too hot foods/drinks.
  • Use of tobacco, khaini, Gutika, lime, betal.
  • Excessive use of sweets, sugar, jaggery, chocolates, gums, cookies, nuties etc.
  • Ingestion of cold articles after use of hot foods/drinks.
  • Smoking.
  • Pricking of tooth-pricks or other such modes to remove trapped food particles within tooth-gaps.
  • Infection of any kind, like abscess, boil or any cancerous growth under the root.
  • Wrong use of some harmful ingredient, drug.
  • Exposure to cold.
  • Trauma! Accident/Fracture of Jaw-bone.
  • Carious tooth or local inflammation.
  • Lack of dental hygiene and dental care.
  • Referred pain.
  • Loosening of teeth or partially broken teeth.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Disorders Yellow Tooth

  • Mix salt with finely powdered rind of lime (nibu ka chilka). Use this as toothpowder frequently.
  • Bum the shells of almonds and powder it. Use as tooth powder.
  • Filthy Teeth

  • Take about 50 gms. of keekar wood, roasted alum 20 gms. and namak lahori 10 gms. grind and sieve the whole mixture and rub this powder over your teeth every morning and evening.
  • Bum an oyster shell to ashes, add a little of salt, grind and sieve through a fine cloth and preserve the powder for rubbing it over the teeth.
  • Teeth Weakness

  • Bum to ashes a piece of turmeric, grind it with Bishop's weed (ajwain) and use this mixed powder as tooth powder. Continuing cleaning your teeth with this powder would provide relief in a couple of week's time. When you apply this powder to your teeth, allow the saliva to ooze out for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth. But, avoid taking very hot drinks and stop consuming sweets in excessive quantity.
  • Tooth Decay

  • Take a piece of turmeric, roast it and then grind it to powder form. Then fill this powder in the cavity caused by tooth decay. In case you are unable to sleep owing to toothache caused by the decay in teeth! or tooth, then grind turmeric, bishop's weeds and cloves and tie them in a small piece of cloth. Put this cloth below the aching teeth press it mildly and let the teeth get the essence of these ingredients. As you ooze the saliva out your toothache will vanish with it.

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